Picture shows G0MRF-David's MF/LF 5 Watt linear amplifier placed on a plate to be mounted in my Icom IC-756 Pro III.
The new plate fits fine inside my Icom.
I have to drill some holes for the new SMA and BNC connectors.
Bottom side of the rig, a new SMA connector mounted with an Icom pressed cable connected to a point that feeds the original PA circiut in the Icom.
Bench test activity, no smoke this time...
Picture taken before all covers mounted.
Some info of what's done inside the radio just in case of sudden senile dementia!
Back side picture shows the new cable from the bottom to the new circuit board.
All systems go!!!
SM6BGP - Gunnar Ivarsson, Andra Hedakersgatan 16, SE-511 58 Kinna, Sweden
Member of SSA and SK6RUD - Radio Rud of Sweden INFINEON - SPW47N60C3 - MOSFET, N, COOLMOS, TO-247
2010-2022 SM6BGP