SM6BGP on 500 kHz.
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The transmitter is OFF AIR and was ended in June 2019 RIP

Kinna 1512 kHz Medium Wave Station in locator JO67IL

Picture of my little medium wave transmitter, 10 Watt output to double inverted L-antenna.

Antenna layout with some pictures, the tuner house, 12 meter high tree.
The big picture showing tower and side of that the 20 meter high tree, supporting the vertical parts of the wires.

  Added capacitance to tune in 1512 kHz, 1016 pF   Impendance trafo to transform imp. from 34 to 50 ohm   Picture shows a part of the tuner house
The transmitter is OFF AIR and was ended in June 2019 RIP
Top Score - Kinna -> Pavel Ivanov, Belgorod, Russia 1725 km
Reports to:

SM6BGP - Gunnar Ivarsson, Andra Hedakersgatan 16, SE-511 58 Kinna, Sweden
Member of SSA and SK6RUD - Radio Rud of Sweden

  2010-2020 SM6BGP